30th Anniversary Studios Willem II building in ’s-Hertogenbosch May 2008

Friday, May 16, Peke Hofman, director of the CBK ’s-Hertogenbosch, will open the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the studios in the Willem II building, followed by a talk by Margriet Kemper about the artist and his studio. Visitors are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the artists and their studios.
WII Studios
Boschveldweg 471
5211 VK 's-Hertogenbosch
BBK Krant June 2008, Jan Leenders
With great dedication and insight Dorette Sturm, visual artist and member of the board of the Willem II studios, has given a picture of the importance and character of these studios. In addition a very original work by this artist is shown in the porter’s lodge of the Graphic Workplace: an inflatable breathing in and out, evoking associations with the birth of a form.
A living, elementary principle, reduced to an elementary creative shape. It is these creative forms that inform an ecological vision in the visual environment art. Peace and spatial open-mindedness, far from the agitation of daily life.
Photography (left): Dorette Sturm