Seeds of Change beacon of light

Seeds of Change beacon of light
Seeds Of Change consits of 200 ‘arms’ of steel, ending in an illuminated shape of mouth-blown glass. The 200 ‘seeds’ have been provided with RGB LEDs. The 200 arms are attached to an axis, forming a revolving double helix – a reference to the structure of DNA. Seeds of Change revolves at a calm pace, with the nearly 2000 lightsources gradually changing colour in various patterns. This way, the space is transformed and at the same time a beacon is light is created that is visible from a distance.
The choreography of changing colours follows two separate scenarios: one for during the day and one for the evenings and nights, passing through a large number of programmed scenes. The separate colours take turns in ‘performing a solo’, running from bottom to top. This choreography accentuates the spiral shape and the three-dimensional character of the work.
An encounter with the work offers the possibility of going with the flow as one watches the changing light patterns, surrendering to the ever-changing
Look at the location
Brabants Dagblad