Sound Installation WISHINGyouWELL commissioned by CBK 's-Hertogenbosch Opening 3 September 2010

Dorette Sturm created the sound installation WISHINGyouWELL especially for the entrance of the CBK ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The artwork will be on show for a year at CBK and is presented during the opening of the exhibition Local Spac(bk)e.
With an architectural structure enclosing time, the stairwell with the shaft creates a frame for an image that transcends human scale in time and space. Using sound, colour, light and matter (water), a world is created in which time and space are not linear but relative.
A drop of water forms on the ceiling of the stairwell. The drop swells and falls into a water basin once it has reached its maximum volume. Through the water surface, the sound resonates in the room. Immediately, a new drop begins to form, the process repeating itself endlessly.
Exhibition Local SPAC(BK)E
Imagining space
Opening 3 September at 5 p.m. The exhibition will be opened by counselor Rodney Weterings.
The works selected for this exhibition address various aspects of the concept of space, each approaching it from their own angle. Some are literal translations, others take a certain stand in relation to space or create a new physical space.
Participating artists: Jochem van Laarhoven, Anthony Litjes, Gert de Mulder, Har van der Put, Raimon Sibilo, Dorette Sturm, Sabina Timmermans, Marjan Veltkamp, Leopold van de Ven.
CBK ’s-Hertogenbosch,
Entrance at Boschdijkstraat
Opening hours Wednesdays through Sundays 1 – 5 p.m.
For a route description, please see